
Mee6 bot commands list
Mee6 bot commands list

mee6 bot commands list

These commands will help you easily navigate through your server and use multiple bots quite easily. !warn – Command for issuing a warning to a particular user.!unban – Command for unbanning a user from the discord server.!slowmode – Command for disabling or enabling the slow-mode feature in a channel.!infractions – Command for displaying the infractions of a particular user.!server-info – Command for getting information concerning the existing server.!user-info – Command for getting information about a user.!role-info – Command for extracting the information related to a specific role.!clear – Command for clearing the messages of a channel.!tempmute – Command for temporarily muting a user from the discord server.!unmute – Command for unmuting a user from the discord server.!mute – Command for muting a user from the discord server.!kick – Command for kicking a user from the discord server.!tempban – Command for restricting a user from the discord server for a temporary duration.!ban – Command for banning a designated user from the discord server./start-quiz – Starts a music-based quiz show ./youtube – Search for a video on YouTube./vote-skip – Starts a vote to skip to the next song./volume – Change the volume of the player./urban – Search for a term in Urban Dictionary./stop-recording – Stops the current recording./seek – Seek the current track position./resume – Resume playing the current track./rank – Get your rank or another member’s rank./pause – Pauses the current playing song./np – Display the current playing track./levels – Get a link to the server’s leaderboard./leave – Make the bot leave your voice channel./join – Make the bot join your voice channel./help – Get a list of available commands./dashboard – Get a link to the dashboard./clear-queue – Clear every song from the queue./add-playlist – Add a youtube playlist to the queue.The following are some commands for bots which you will see quite often on Discord. You can also type in /help plugin_name: to get a list of available commands. If you want to know the commands for a certain bot, go to its homepage and look for commands. There’s also the Discord Custom Commands bot, which can create as many custom commands as you want. Each bot has its own commands and can be viewed by typing the slash (/) key.

Mee6 bot commands list